


















1.Zhou, S., Sun, Y., Zhao, Y., Jiang, T.*, Yang, H.*, & Li, S.* (2024). I prefer what you can see: The role of visual perspective-taking on the gaze-liking effect. Heliyon.10(8). (SSCI-JCR-Q2; 中科院三区)

2.Shi, L.#, Jiang, L.#, Zhou, S.#, Zhou, W.*, Yang, H.* (2024) Self-appreciation is not enough: exercise identity mediates body appreciation and physical activity and the role of perceived stress. Frontiers in Psychology, 15:1377772. (SSCI-JCR-Q2; 中科院三区)

3.Zhou, S., Leng, M., Zhang, J., Zhou, W., Lian, J.*,&Yang,H.* (2024). Parental emotional warmth and adolescent internet altruism behavior: A moderated mediation model. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. (AHCI; SSCI-JCR-Q1; 中科院二区)

4.刘湍丽, 张雅静, 周菘, 邢敏, 白学军*. (2024). 部分线索诱发遗忘效应的持久性:项目价值的作用. 心理学报. 56(1), 15-28. (CSSCI)

5.Zhou, S., Cai, J., Yang, H., & Liu, T.* (2023Accepted). Altering balance perception through the agent’s expression: Happy face suppresses the inwardbias. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. (AHCI-JCI-1/395; SSCI-JCR-Q1; 中科院一区)

6.Zhou, S., Yang, H., Yang, H., & Liu, T.* (2023). Bidirectional understanding and cooperation: Interbrain neural synchronization during social navigation. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience.18(1). (SSCI-JCR-Q1; 中科院二区)

7.Zhou, S., Yang, H., Wang, Y., Zhou, X., & Li, S.* (2023). Spontaneous visual perspective taking with constant attention cue: A modified dot perspective task paradigm. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. (SSCI-JCR-Q3)

8.Zhou, S., Liu, G., Huang, Y., Huang, T., Lin, S., Lan, J., Yang, H.*, & Lin, R.* (2023). The contribution of cultural identity to subjective well-being in collectivist countries: A study in the context of contemporary Chinese culture. Frontiers in Psychology, 14:1170669. (SSCI-JCR-Q2)

9.周菘冷漫蒋涛孙艺涵管庆丽, 李士一*. (2023). 注视喜欢效应中的采择机制行为与心理研究, 21(2): 185-192.(CSSCI)

10.周菘*, 杨化齐, 李薇薇. (2023). 群际冲突视角下的网络暴力:社会身份对社会信息加工的影响天津师范大学学报(社会科学版),6: 125-132.(北大核心)

11.Hou B., Li L., Zheng L.*, Qi Y.*, & Zhou S.* (2022) Linking exercise intention to exercise action: The moderating role of self-efficacy. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:921285. (SSCI-JCR-Q1)

12.Zhou, S., Li, L., Zhao, Y., Cao, Y., Peng, B., & Zheng, L.* (2021). Physical activity under stress: A perspective of HAPA and individual differences. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(22), 12144. (SSCI-JCR-Q1)

13.Zhou, S., Xu, Y., Wang, N., Zhang, S., Geng, H.*, & Jia, H.* (2020). Deficits of subliminal self-face processing in schizophrenia. Consciousness and Cognition, 79, 102896.(SSCI-JCR-Q1)

14.徐园园周菘朱虹耿海燕, 贾竑晓*. (2018). 精神分裂症自知力与无意识自我面孔识别的关系首都医科大学学报, 02, 209-212.(北大核心)

15.白学军*, 张琪涵章鹏周菘刘颖宋星, 彭国慧. (2016). 基于 fNIRS的运动执行与运动想象脑激活模式比较心理学报, 48(5), 495-508.(CSSCI)

16.白学军*, 周菘刘颖杨海波, 王超. (2015). 中文音素言语流畅性任务的近红外脑功能成像研究心理科学, 39(3), 520-526.(CSSCI)

17.杨海波张雪健周菘刘颖白学军*. (2014). 语音加工的功能性近红外脑成像研究进展心理与行为研究. 12(4):566-71.(CSSCI)